
Sharing the Love

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Literature Text

The bear slowly made its way through the forest, lost in blissful innocence as it wandered around. As it traversed, it turned to a leafy bush and reached one of its large paws in, rooting around for the berries present within. It was unaware, however, that it was being watched through a circular scope, the one behind it slowly lining it up in its sights, just before they steadied themselves and...


“Got it,” Shutterbug said, satisfied at the first shot she managed to get of the bear with her camera, the red-maned pony keeping the large creature in the viewfinder as she took a few more shots of the bear foraging. She waited for a short time for it to continue along through the woods before taking more pictures. Soon, she felt she had gotten enough shots and packed her camera away in her saddle bag just before she spread her wings and flew off through the trees. She eventually found her way to a small cottage at the edge of the forest where Fluttershy, the resident of the cottage, was outside feeding some chickens within a coop. The yellow pegasus turned as the sky-blue one landed nearby and greeted her with a friendly

“Oh, hello, Shutterbug,” she said in a soft tone, “Did you find what you were searching for?”

“You know it,” Shutterbug replied with a smile, “Check 'em out,” she took the camera out and started showing Fluttershy the pictures of the bear, who marveled as Shutter scrolled through the pictures.

“You really captured Arthur's good side very well. He seems so at peace while he's rooting.”

“Thanks,” Shutter grinned before she slowly raised her vision up with a confused expression before turning to the other winged pony, “Wait, it has a name?”

“Yup,” Fluttershy smiled, “Also, would it be too much trouble to ask for some of the copies of the pictures when you've developed them?”

“No problem at all,” Shutter replied, putting her camera away into its pouch, “Did you want them framed?”

“Sure. I'm okay with whatever it looks like but I think Arthur should be okay with a simple wood frame with maybe a honeypot design,” Fluttershy giggled, leading Shutter to stare at her and then slowly nod.

“Um...right. Gotcha',” she said.

“Never though I'd be getting photos printed for a bear,” she thought.


Shutter arrived back in Ponyville, touching down in the Ponyville main square and trotting off towards the small apartment she shared with her unicorn boyfriend Wordy Notes.

“I'm back!” She called out, setting her saddlebags down and removing her camera from it.

“Hey, Shutter!” Wordy's voice called from nearby, “Welcome back!”

“Got some really good pictures of a bear today. I might just end up getting used to this whole nature photography thing,” she chuckled, entering into Wordy's study room (really just more of an extra room they had moved some bookshelves and a desk into, “So, how was your-” she stopped in the doorway, her jaw dropping as her gaze slowly worked its way up to the sight she laid eyes upon, “-day?” she finished. In place of her boyfriend, she instead found a large, blue blob bearing his cutie mark and tail, though she was able to see his mane and face as the heavily fattened pony slowly rotated around to see her.

“Oh, pretty successful,” Wordy grinned, the light of the room gleaming off his hefty jowls, “So, you got some pictures of a bear?”

“Yeah,” Shutter nodded as she walked over to Wordy, poking a hoof into his side and moving his fat around, “Speaking of bears, you're as big as three of 'em,” she smiled.

“Yeah, about so,” Wordy grinned as he glanced down at himself, his hooves wiggling a little bit, “I've actually gotten to the point where I can make myself this big in under a minute instead of it being a delayed response from the initial spell trigger.”

Shutter walked around him, then chuckled and floated up onto his back, giving him a hug, “You're weird, but I still love you,” she gave his pudgy cheek a kiss before hopping off.

“Erm, thanks,” Wordy laughed, “Oh...speaking of that,” Wordy blushed nervously.

Shutter turned to him and raised an eyebrow, “Yes?”

“So, in my research of weight control magic, I found an interesting spell I'd be interested in trying out,” Wordy said as he slowly turned his attention back to Shutter, “It basically makes it so that I can swap the weights of two subjects around, making one bigger and the other smaller and, well...” He trailed off a little, giving a bright look directed right at her.

Shutter stared at him in pure bewilderment for a moment, “What exactly are you asking me, Wordy?” She then blinked and her expression turned to one of frustration, “Oh, heck no! No way! Nuh uh!” She shook her head.

“Please?” Wordy asked her, pouting, “Gavin's away visiting his parents right now and Crash told me no REALLY told me.”

“Wordy...agh...” Shutter rolled her eyes and facehoofed before turning her attention back to him, “Give me the details first,” she groaned.

Wordy's eyes lit up slightly as he floated a book in front of him, “Alright, so the spell is called 'Mass Affecting,'” he showed her the page, “It allows me to make a connection between two targets and then slowly transfer their body weight between one of them, as much or as little as long as I can hold the spell active.” Shutter stared at the page that depicted an illustration of three ponies, one of which in the center using magic and two others (one big and one small, obviously) and then a second diagram of the two opposing ponies having switched sizes, just like the spell had said. She looked at it and then turned her gaze back to Wordy.

“ can just get rid of this when you're done?” She asked him.

“Oh yeah!” Wordy quickly said, “I'll use a weight reduction spell once the transfer's complete.” There was some silence for a while before Shutter sighed and shrugged.

“Okay. You can blow me up,” she begrudged, “But keep in mind that I'm only doing this because I love you, you big dork.”

Wordy smiled warmly at her, “I love you too, Shutter.” She smirked and floated up to his face, giving him a kiss before she stepped back a ways from him, taking off the bracelets around her left hoof while doing the same with her red vest she used to carry extra equipment in, setting them all on a table.

“Alright,” she said, waving her hoof across her body, “Proceed.” Wordy's eyes suddenly lit up along with his horn, both of them shining with blue light. Shutterbug took a deep breath and relaxed as the blobby unicorn surrounded her with a magic aura.

“Here we go. Are you ready?” He asked her.

“Just be careful. I don't want anything to go wrong from you suddenly putting all your weight on me,” she said before rubbing the back of her head, “, that could really be taken outta' context, huh?”

“A little bit,” Wordy laughed as his the energy around his horn began to swirl.

“Here we go,” Shutter took in the view behind her as her rump became the first subject of Wordy's spell, starting off as as more accentuated curves before turning into flabby flanks that sagged downward, “I know I want a telephoto lens but that's ridiculous!” She giggled, pointing out the stretching image of her camera cutie mark as it expanded along with her plot. Further down, she noticed her belly as it started to droop like a droplet of water preparing to fall from the ceiling. It slowly swelled and took up space between her legs, and quivering the moment it had enough fat on it to jiggle. Shutter drew one of her forelegs down to poke and squish at it, glancing past it for a moment to see her thighs thickening as her rear continued to get ever bigger.

“Spending a little too much time at the bakery, hon?” Wordy chuckled.

“Don't push it, ya' jackass,” Shutter shot him a glare as she watched her forelegs plump up and her barrel begin to push out. She had never been as athletic as a lot of the other pegasi around town (mostly due to her stockier build), but she still tried to keep in shape best she could...although now she was in for a much different shape. She brought one of her hooves up to her face and poked at her cheeks as they began to bloat along with her neck as it slowly became less and less noticeable the more she gained.

“So far so good,” Wordy declared happily. At this point Shutter had gone from a relatively curvy pegasus to a rather chubby pony with her butt and belly bearing the most brunt of receiving Wordy's bulk. As she looked down at her new body, Shutter giggled as she arched her back up and shook her rump, leaving Wordy with a heavy blush. However, both of these acts quickly faded the moment she suddenly dropped from the position and turned back to Wordy with a more serious expression.

“Hey! How come you don't seem like you're getting smaller while I'm this huge already?” She demanded.

“Oh, I've lost a few pounds already, but you're only a bit chubby right now,” he shook and jiggled his body, “I'm still wearing the XXXXXXL size pants.”

“Uh huh...” Shutter stared at him, at herself again, poking her belly, “How about you try speeding it up a little bit? I am helping you practice after all.”

“You want me to go quicker?” Wordy chuckled, “Are you sure?”

“Did I stutter? Go! Chop chop!” Shutter clapped her hooves. Wordy blinked a few times before he gave a shrug and intensified the magic around her. Almost as if in response to the pegasus' orders, his body rumbled and slowly receded, “There we go. Was that really so haAAAARD?!” Shutter cried as her body exploded in size. Her flanks increased to three times their original size while her belly grew heavy with fat as it impacted the ground with a loud thud, her chest expanding alongside it. In an instant, her neck became immersed in a thick layer of adipose that also adorned her face with another chin that continued to grow in size the more she ballooned. Plump rolls of blubber finally started to come into being as her body had now finished filling out whatever space it could with Wordy's fatness with much of the weight settling within her lardy loins. This settlement would not last for long, though, as the mare was met with another unusual feeling of slowly ascending into the air, and not from flight. She glanced down and could clearly see her stomach lifting her off the ground. Shutterbug struggled to stretch her legs to try and keep her hooves on the ground, but it was an effort in vain as her forelegs were rendered useless from both her massive middle and the amount of chub that had found itself on them. She just barely managed to keep her hooftips on the ground before they found themselves being taken off the floor and resting against her rapidly inflating body.

“And...there you go,” Wordy observed as the last vestiges of her mobility were taken as her hind legs suffered the same fate as her front ones.

“Hmph...” She struggled to crane her neck back, catching only a bare glimpse of her wings as she tried to flap them despite knowing the results. As expected, she found herself unable to lift off into the air, “Well, maybe I can just get some wheels,” Shutterbug laughed, rising up enough to meet the descending Wordy face-to-face as an expected third chin formed into being on her already impressive jowls while more rolls came into being on her impressive form. Wordy gave a bright, goofy grin as both stallion and mare found themselves at the same size, Shutter's once bottom-heavy frame matching Wordy's colossally corpulent structure.

“Having fun?” He asked, rocking forward to give her a quick smooch on the lips before wobbling back.

“I guess?” Shutter snickered as she did the same, “It's hard to give a good argument one way or the other. You're kind of popping my 'turned into fatty by boyfriend' cherry here, Wordy.”

“Well, I suppose that is true. We might have to do this again sometime to get the full effect,” he grinned before busting out into laughter, “I'm kidding! Only if you want to.”

“We'll see,” Shutter examined herself and then looked to Wordy again, “Welp, still a ways to go. Let's see this through.”

Wordy re-activated the spell, “Home stretch?”

“Home stretch,” Shutter nodded. Wordy responded by continuing with what he started. Shutter's body billowed bigger and bigger, bumping into the study's entrance as a bulge of sky-blue fat covered the doorway and blocked it off. Her rear was now large enough that upon closer inspection would allow one to easily see every little detail on her cutie mark. Her hooves slowly started to sink inward as her body bloomed out to consume every inch with its burgeoning mass. Shutter quickly took notice as her gut spread across the floor, inching closer and closer toward the table in the center...the one that had her camera bag and vest on it, “Uhh...umm...” She motioned her head toward it.

“Gotcha',” Wordy quickly dropped the spell and slid the table away from the chunky wave before it could knock anything off and returned to the task at hand. Shutterbug had since started to eclipse him as the weight practically melted off his body, resembling a slowly-deflating balloon. He moved his head around as his neck emerged from the vanishing fat, yawning as a reflex while he cracked his stiff neck, “The one disadvantage to that,” he chuckled, his plump forelegs touching the carpet.

“Yes. Not being able to walk around is okay, but Celestia forbid you have a crick in your neck,” Shutter  sighed.

“I didn't mean it like that,” Wordy responded, his body reducing from being obese, to chubby, to slightly plump, and finally to his standard, skinny self as every pound of magically-activated weight had vanished from his body, “Yes!” He hopped up into the air, prancing and happily trotting around the room, “The spell works! It actually works!” He cheered, “I did it!”

“AHEM!” Wordy stopped his celebration and turned around, the unicorn seeing the now gigantic mare at the same state he had just been in. Her head had bulged with a collection of chins and a pair of puffed up cheeks that forced her expression into a slight squint. This was propped up by the rolls of fat from her chest like a trophy sitting atop a shelf. Her slightly plump legs were all but invisible within her mass, particularly hidden by her voluminous middle that made her resemble an overstuffed beanbag chair. Wordy took a glance behind her at the two round globes that made up her backside, this time it was his turn to open his mouth in awestruck fascination. He blinked slowly as he took in the sight of his girlfriend as a large, flabby blob, some drool coming out of the side of his mouth, “Uh...Wordy? Are you okay?” Shutterbug asked, finally slapping him out of his stupor.

“Huh? Uh...yeah,” he nodded, “I'm good. Totally fine,” he coughed awkwardly, “ you...feel okay?”

“Oh, I'm perfectly fine...except for one seriously big case of bloating that is!” She giggled loudly, “All seriousness, though, this is really weird,” she glanced down to examine herself, “It doesn't hurt or anything, I just feel, well, big and huge” she tilted her head and looked up at the ceiling before a large grin crossed her face and she turned back to Wordy, “I feel delightfully squishy! That's my answer!” She beamed.

Wordy nodded, “Delightfully squishy. I like it,” he trotted up next to her, “Um...may I?” He sheepishly asked, motioning a foreleg toward her.

“No, Wordy. You're my boyfriend and I'm not going to let you hug me,” Shutter said with a mocking, serious tone, “Come here, sweety.” She smiled as the unicorn hopped up onto her, wrapping his hooves around as much as he could of her, nuzzling and playing with her flabby folds.

“Mmmm, you're so warm and soft,” Wordy murred as he nuzzled and kneaded her, closing his eyes and  resembling a happy cat about to sleep on a bed of blankets.

Shutter blushed from the sudden attention and gave yet another eye roll, “You're a weirdo.”

“And I love you,” Wordy said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, well...I love you too,” Shutter chuckled, “This isn't my bag, like at freakin' all, but you're happy. Just don't think this is gonna' be a thing. 'cause it's not.”

“That's fine. You don't have to be a big, cuddly pegasus for me to love you,” Wordy teleported up to her back, laying down on her side and giving her a kiss on where her neck would've normally been before moving over to her plump face. Shutter, in the meantime, did her best to kiss him back, Wordy thankfully compensating by moving enough for their lips to actually connect before they remained there in silence for a short while, Wordy stretched out and resting on her.

“Alright, well it's that time,” Shutter said, finally breaking the silence in the room.

“Mhm,” Wordy said back, still laying on her back and staring up at the ceiling. After a short time, Shutter glanced back at him and wiggled her body, making Wordy slide off her and come to a stop on the floor right next to her, a surprised expression on his face.

“Got your attention now?” Shutter smirked at him.

“Who knew that a fat slide would be so fun?” Wordy grinned right back as he got up to his hooves, “So, ready?”

“Ready,” Shutter said with a reaffirming nod. Wordy copied her as he lit up his horn again, this time with the opposite effect in mind. Slowly but surely, he started to shrink Shutterbug, smiling as she got closer to him. Once Shutter was able to touch her hooves to the ground again, he stepped forward and gave her a deep, passionate kiss while hugging her close as the rest of her fat vanished. The two ponies then separated and smiled as they stared close into each other's eyes.

“Mine,” he said.

“Also mine,” She replied, giving him another kiss. Her stomach then suddenly rumbled loudly, “What was that about?”

“Oh! That sometimes happens,” Wordy laughed, his stomach doing the same, “Erm...I guess we should probably get you some food now.”

“Food sounds good,” Shutter stepped forward and nuzzled his face while she took his hoof into her's, “I'm up for noodles. Let's go by Stir's shop.”

“Sounds good to me!” Wordy walked out with her, “So, now that it's over with, how do you feel about being big now?”

Shutter shrugged, “It was a'ight. Like I said, not my thing but still. I like trying new things,” she suddenly put on a mischievous expression, “Although...there is something I realize I haven't gotten a chance to do since you got this new interest in that kind of magic,” she got a little closer, resting her head on his shoulder.

“Yeah?” Wordy asked her, jolting as he felt Shutter rub his stomach and go crimson.

“I never got to use you as a bed, big boy,” she whispered into his ear.
Warning: contains fat ponies, an instance of bad language, and really, really public displays of affection between a couple...and a really terrible name for a spell in retrospect.

Again, MLP is not mine.

So, this is a sequel to Wrong Spell (…)  that involves Wordy and his girlfriend Shutterbug (who is also my IRL girlfriend's OC) engaging in some fat shenanigans as Wordy tests out a new spell. This story and the last one are actually building up to a longer series I'm working on, so no worries, there's going to be actual plot involved instead of it just being essentially extended weight gain sequences. ^^
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loopoloopi's avatar
I'm curious, how old are Wordy and his friends?